author Димитър Стоянов

Димитър Стоянов


  • Why women have a really sore lower back. The causes of back pain in women. Feel when the lower back ache is not pleasant. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the body, very often the pain of this nature occur in members of the fairer sex.
    13 December 2018
  • Why back pain after the birth? Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease
    25 November 2018
  • Neurologists warn that if sore back and neck, it is important to start treatment in time. These feelings can be symptoms of serious diseases. However, with the right approach to their own health to stop the development of future pain more than possible.
    19 September 2018
  • Lower back pain in English-language sources call pain in the lower back (low back pain). Pain often contributes to tension in the lumbar spine, limitation of motion and antalgic scoliosis.
    30 August 2018