Back pain above the waist: why it hurts and how to treat

Pain in any part of the body is always unpleasant. To remove the appearance of all sorts of painful sensations in the human body, it is necessary to monitor their health.

the causes of back pain

Any pain in the lumbar region may have a negative impact on the spine.

Loin is a very important area of the human body, as the lower back performs the communication function between the lower and upper parts of the body.

Note that the lower back carries incredible load, and therefore it is more exposed to injuries than other parts of the body, is less loaded.

Probably every person knows what is lumbar pain and how it hurts. Such diseases as osteochondrosis, radiculitis are very dangerous to the human body as a whole.

Most often can be found lumbar pain, which is caused by changes of the lumbosacral in the human spine. If You feel any pain in the lower back, in this case, you need to consult a doctor for necessary assistance.

Unfortunately, lumbar pain can occur in people of all ages, veins matter You are male or female.

It should be noted that in such cases, taking pain medications is not always effective way to get rid of the pain. Taking painkillers, You only suppress the symptoms, but the problem remains.


To more accurately determine the causes of lower back pain, you should first understand what features are inherent in pain. Pain intensity is divided into acute and chronic. Acute pain is a sharp and severe pain. as chronic – less intense, constant pain in the lower back.

Nowadays there are a number of other pathological signs, including:

  • shortness of breath;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • cough;
  • vomiting.

Lumbar pain above the waist, as well as other pain, can be by its nature different. The first lower back pain – the pain of not having an accurate localization, stretching.

Causes of pain in the human body can be varied:

  • heart disease;
  • pneumonia (pneumonia), pleurisy;
  • diseases of the organs in the abdomen, and both acute and chronic;
  • diseases related to esophagus;
  • kidney disease;
  • pregnancy.

Other pain has a clear localization. Such pain is typical symptom is burning in the painful area of the body. Such pain patient is a little easier to adapt.

back pain

The main cause of lower back pain above the waist is the pathology of the human spine, and adjacent muscular-rib frame. Here is a list of several pathological causes of pain.

Among them we can highlight:

  • sciatica;
  • injuries to the ribs and spine in the thoracic;
  • lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • myositis (inflammation of muscles);

Naturally, only one character of pain lumbar almost impossible to identify the exact cause of the pain.

That's why you need the assistance of a qualified specialist. It must be said that even a qualified doctor sometimes can not accurately determine the root cause of lumbar pain. For this you can take special tests, which further validate in the patient's blood substances which can be agents of pain.

What to do when back pain above the waist?

Responding to a question, it should immediately say that in this case, it must be properly treated. To do this you must contact your family doctor or physician.

If You God forbid have an acute pain that can not endure, is likely to cause "ambulance". If back pain above the waist appeared after a heavy injury closer to the fall – contact your doctor.

In addition, it should be said that lumbar pain can help You:

  • podiatrist;
  • infectious disease;
  • surgeon;
  • gastroenterologist
  • the pulmonologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • of Nephrology;
  • urologist;
  • a proctologist.

Needless to say, over the last half century medical approaches to the treatment of lumbar pain, significantly changed, improved, because medical advances during this time made a great step towards recovery. Initially the causes of lower back pain associated with inflammatory processes of the nerve trunks and roots. A similar opinion appears in the term, more commonly known as sciatica.

In the last century, in the fifties, all possible radiculitis were treated in most cases, significant doses of antibiotics.

A little later the cause of lower back pain began to consider degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine.

diagnosis and treatment

Later, thanks to this opinion have successfully conducted operations on herniated discs of the spine. By the end of the Millennium, many scientists, neurologists began to converge in opinion, that pain over the lumbar region occur due to a muscular origin. Then the doctors realized the connection between lower back pain and various syndromes.

The doctor recommends (depending on the disease state of the patient):

  • for a time from 2 to 5 days to refrain from any physical activity, prescribed bed rest;
  • the bed surface should be firm and smooth;
  • in most cases, the reception gels and ointments that contain pain-relieving properties;
  • warming and anti-inflammatory components;
  • muscle relaxants used to relieve spasms of muscles;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physical therapy;
  • vascular and diuretics;

In this case also help the physical procedure of electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, phonophoresis, massage. All this helps to relieve muscle tension, stops the inflammatory process and also provides benefits in blood circulation.

Why back pain right above the waist?

This question is often asked in certain circles of people. Pain right above the waist can have several causes:

  • diseases of the internal organs;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system of man.

Pain manifest themselves periodically or temporarily. Temporary pain can with high probability to occur due to the fact that the person is a long time in an uncomfortable position, lifting heavy weight and t.. d.

But if the pain in the right side above the waist accompanies You throughout the day, you should immediately consult a qualified specialist. In most cases, such pain the man has any disease.

Pain in right side above waist. The solution lies in the spine

Often when fighting in the right side above the waist that could be found in the following diseases of the musculoskeletal system as:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar;
  • syndrome sciatica;
  • lumbar spondylosis;
  • injuries of the spine;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • tumors of varying quality;
  • other inflammatory and degenerative processes.
lower back pain

In any case, such pain the man is highly recommended to visit a doctor. Do not put off their own health on the back burner as detailed pain can only increase.