Why back pain after sleeping: what diseases can develop treatment methods

There are certain recommendations and orthopedic surgeons on the choice of beds, mattresses and pillows. They should be comfortable and not cause curvature of the spine during a night's rest. It is best to buy special orthopedic mattresses and pillows.

back pain after sleeping

This article describes not only why back pain after sleeping, but this practical advice from a podiatrist on how to properly organize your berth for a rest. also provides a list of the most common diseases of musculoskeletal system that can cause similar symptoms. You will learn on this page about what should be taken for the timely diagnosis of the disease and to what doctor to go for effective and safe treatment.

Physiological causes of back pain at night

All causes of back pain in the night can be divided into physiological and pathological. The first group includes all those changes that happen to the tissues of the body during a night's rest under the influence of secreted hormone melatonin.

This substance is secreted by the pineal gland, which is responsible for the regulation of daily biological rhythms of functioning of the human body. It begins to be produced and released into the blood only at certain times of day (the interval between 21:00 and 23:00 hours local time). For successful production of required total darkness. if you are used to sleep in front of the TV, neither of which a full night rest of the question. In front of a flickering TV screen, tablet, laptop or smartphone production of the hormone melatonin is not happening.

This substance is responsible for many processes in the human body:

  • a day in actively working muscles of the back frame accumulated a large number of metabolites of lactic acid for disposal meets the melatonin;
  • for the intervertebral disc requires relaxation of the muscles, but also longitudinal ligament – they are also beneficial effect of melatonin;
  • this substance also stabilizes the nervous fiber, it begins to conduct impulses more gently, in slow motion;
  • starts the process of muscle relaxation and of relaxation;
  • has a stabilizing effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular system;
  • includes the mechanism of activation of the "regeneration" due to the start of the process of the growth hormones somatotropin (he is involved in the process of rebuilding all damaged per day body tissues at the cellular level).

All these mechanism are intended to during a night's rest, the human body completely restored himself, has added your energy balance and get rid of the accumulated products of cell disintegration.

Physiological causes of back pain at night include factors that interfere with the normal flow of all of the described processes. These are aspects of the negative influence, such as:

  • incorrectly organized place to sleep for the night;
  • sleep with the lights on or in front of the TV screen;
  • uncomfortable position for sleep;
  • tight night clothes;
  • insomnia and its provoking factors (e.g., frequent urination);
  • eating shortly before bedtime.

It is important before bedtime ventilate the room, to do every day the same rituals (bathing, dressing in pajamas, brushing teeth, etc.). All this helps to prepare the body and the pineal gland to the secretion of melatonin and a full recovery process of the entire body.

If the sleep restless, the muscles do not relax and they do not appear lactic acid and metabolites. Accordingly, in the morning, after waking up may feel pain in it, tension, stiffness.

After a night's sleep back pain: pathological causes

Now consider the pathological reasons why back pain after sleeping, what diseases can provoke the appearance of this symptom. let's start with the basics of anatomy. Thus, the back is a callout area of the body. It includes a collar region of the neck, chest, lower back and sacrum.

The spine is a carrying mechanism consisting of the vertebral bodies and who share their cushioning intervertebral discs. Integrity, stability and flexibility of the spine provides ligaments. Blood circulation and nutrition of the intervertebral discs provides muscular frame back. He is responsible for the execution of all body movements.

The ribs form the rib cage, inside of which are hidden vital organs (heart and lungs). Breathing is provided by the work of the intercostal muscles. Their innervation is through branches of the radicular nerves.

If back pain after sleeping, causes may include diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Bechterew's disease or ankylosing spondylitis (degenerative inflammatory disease mainly affects males, is detected at early stages by pain in the morning);
  2. curvature of the spine in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine (kyphoscoliosis, scoliosis );
  3. osteochondrosis and its complications – this disease causes more than 80% of back pain after a night's sleep;
  4. instability of vertebral bodies (in the night time muscular frame back relaxed and vertebrae begin to shift, that after awakening is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome);
  5. the spondylosis and other diseases of the spine;
  6. weakness and degeneration of the intercostal muscles (often similar condition is observed in people who long time were in intensive care on artificial lung ventilation apparatus).

There are other reasons why after a night's sleep back pain – they are associated with lesions of nerve fibers and muscular tissue. This may be the following pathological States:

  • endocrine pathology, which provoke the accumulation of metabolites in the muscle tissue;
  • insufficiency of blood supply leads to a partial degeneration of the muscles;
  • radicular syndrome and pinched nerves cause the appearance of symptoms of intercostal neuralgia
  • infection by certain types of viruses and bacteria causes the development of inflammation in the nerve endings (i.e., shingles, which is caused by a herpes virus).

Injuries, diseases of internal organs (pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, hernia of the diaphragm), increased physical activity, may all cause pain in the back during the night.

Sore muscles in the morning after sleep diagnostics

back pain

Diagnosis of diseases is the only sure path to recovery through the use of correct treatment. In nature there is no universal remedy against any pain. Pharmacological-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is also not eliminate the pain, they take away the inflammation. And potent analgesics narcotic origin just "turn off" the patient's consciousness, not allowing him to realize the distress signals coming to the brain from lesions of the tissues.

Back pain after sleep is a signal of some problems develop the disease. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and identify pathological changes.

All these surveys may appoint the district doctor-therapist. If pathology of the internal organs will be excluded, it is necessary to survey the vertebral column. Lock the main localization of pain. Try to more accurately identify in which area of the sore back muscles after sleeping and in which the spine shows the greatest stiffness. Then you need to make x-ray the this Department in various projections. It will eliminate a large part of the pathologies of the spine and intervertebral discs.

What if after sleeping back pain

The first thing to do if after sleeping back pain is to audit your bed. it must be organized in accordance with modern requirements of ergonomics and health. Here are just some of the recommendations of a physician podiatrist in the space for a night's sleep:

  • this should be a separate room with blackout curtains and abstracts of sources of electromagnetic radiation (TVs, screens and monitors);
  • the bed should have raised the headboard;
  • the pillow should be firm and not very high, it is rectangular in shape;
  • bedding should be made of natural materials.

Second activity – visiting the doctor of podiatrist. The specialist will help in early detection of dangerous diseases (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia, ankylosing spondylitis and t.. d).

Third – start a doctor prescribed treatment immediately. There are no uniform regulations for the treatment of back pain after sleeping, since it is not an independent disease but a clinical symptom that can accompany a huge number of diseases. And treatment for all these pathologies may differ significantly.

So look for ways to solve your problem on the Internet is not only useless, but dangerous. Much more effective to spend 30 minutes of my personal time to visit a doctor of podiatrist in our clinic, manual therapy and find out the exact cause of back pain after sleeping.