Sore lower back – what to do? Why can ache the lower back?

Lower back pain occurs quite often. Patients say "I have a sore lower back", "pinched waist", "cross in back". If the pain is inconsiderate, I can say "aching back", "pull back", "aching loins". Sometimes the pain is described as burning in the lower back.

The lower back is called the lower back - from the place where the end ribs to the coccyx. Perhaps a separate word to refer to the waist was required in order to specify the place where it hurts. After all, if back pain, in most cases, the pain was back.

back pain

Which can be a pain

Most often back pain occurs suddenly and sharply, acute. In this case we speak of lumbago (obsolete folk name cross). The pain is described as sharp, "shooting". Motion bound, sometimes even impossible to straighten his back. At any movement the pain increases.

The pain can last a few minutes, and can last considerable time (several days). It may be that the attack will take place, and the pain more about yourself remind, but often the pain returns and the person gets used that the lower back can hurt.

Lower back pain can be not only sharp (sharp), she can wear pull character and be chronic. A mild but constant pain in the loins, sometimes aggravated by, for example, during physical exertion, infectious disease, colds, etc., are called lumbar region. Sometimes there is no pain directly, but is stored in the lower back stiffness the patient is experiencing discomfort.

Causes of lower back pain

Lower back pain can be caused by various reasons, but the statistics is following:

  • in 90% of cases the pain is caused by problems with the spine and back muscles;
  • 6% cause of pain is a kidney disease;
  • 4% - diseases of other internal organs (urinary system, colon).

The share of the spine account for the majority of all cases of back pain, and this is no accident. In humans, the center of gravity of the body is just at the level of the waist, and walking the entire burden almost entirely falls on the lumbar vertebrae (in animals that move on four legs, this is not a problem). And when a person sits down, the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum are experiencing the same force of pressure which the diver presses 170-meter layer of water. Naturally, this area is particularly vulnerable.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system that cause pain in the lower back:

  • a pinched sciatic nerve. The nerve roots that extend from the spinal cord are squeezed by the adjacent vertebrae. When this occurs, a sharp, shooting pain. Typically, jamming of the roots becomes possible as a result of degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis): the intervertebral discs that separate the vertebrae from each other is destroyed, the gap between the vertebrae narrows and sudden movement (tilt, rotation) can lead to pinched nerve branch;
  • sciatica (sciatica). The pinched nerve roots can become inflamed. Inflammation of the nerve roots is called sciatica (from lat. radicula - "root"); to indicate inflammation of the sciatic nerve is sometimes used a special name - sciatica. With the defeat of the sciatic nerve may be lumboischalgia - lower back pain, spreading in the thigh and leg in the course of the sciatic nerve;
  • herniated disc - protrusion of a fragment of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal. Occurs as a result of injury or degenerative changes of the spine (osteochondrosis);
  • myositis of the lumbar muscles. Myositis is an inflammation of the skeletal muscles. Cause of myositis lumbar muscles can be hypothermia or sudden tension.

Also lower back pain can be caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, degenerative sacroiliitis, osteoporosis.

Prevention of back pain

The occurrence of lower back pain is often triggered by careless attitude to their own health. The pain may be caused by:

  • prolonged stay in the same position (for example, sedentary work);
  • poor posture;
  • low mobility;
  • excessive physical exertion.

All these factors contribute to the development of diseases that manifest with lower back pain. The risk of pain can be reduced if you observe the following tips for physicians:

  • follow the carriage;
  • avoid awkward postures at work sitting. It is desirable that the knee was slightly higher than the hip joints. Use a low chair or stand at his feet. Make a small pillow between the lower back and the seat back;
  • when sedentary work must from time to time to get up to move. Do it every hour, five-minute breaks; how to lift weights
  • it is desirable to sleep on a pillowtop mattress (elastic and solid enough);
  • to lift weights is necessary due to the flexion of the knee, not the back. That is, you need to sit down, keep your knee bent and then straighten them while maintaining a straight line of the back;
  • shifting cargo, it should be evenly distributed between both hands to carry the entire load in one hand (one heavy bag);
  • every day you should do a set of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles of abdomen and back.

Lower back pain kidney disease

When back pain it is important to determine what the causes of pathology of the musculoskeletal system or a disease of the kidneys (and other organs). Diagnostics must be performed by a doctor. However, there are signs that suggest that the pain may be caused by problems the kidneys or (and) other organs of the urogenital system. The manifestation of these symptoms it is advisable to consult a doctor-urologist. Kidney disease (or wider - the genitourinary system) can be suspected, if the pain is accompanied by:

  • the General deterioration of the illness (lethargy, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue);
  • swelling of eyelids, face. Swelling is especially pronounced in the morning after waking, and subsides by evening;
  • the increase in body temperature, chills, sweating;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • increased or painful urination;
  • the change in the characteristics of urine (it can become more concentrated color or colorless on the contrary, contain mucus or blood);
  • the increase in blood pressure.

Also an important sign that lower back pain caused by problems of the internal organs, and not the musculoskeletal system is its independence from the position of the body: on the change of body position and limb pain is not amplified and not reduced. However, with a long stay in a standing position in the pathology check the pain may worsen. Has a value and localization of pain. If you have kidney disease the pain is often observed on the one hand (since usually suffers only one kidney). Kidney pain may not be limited to the lower back, and will spread in the course of the ureter, in the groin, external genitals, inner thighs.

Sore lower back: what to do?

Lower back pain is a symptom of the disease, which requires treatment. It is therefore necessary to consult a doctor. But in case of a sudden attack of acute pain ("lumbago" typical sciatica), we first need to ease the pain. Doctors advise:

  • use slightly warm. Tie the waist woolen scarf or woolen belt;
  • take pain;
  • you must take the posture that allows you to relax the back muscles. It is recommended to lie on your back on a hard flat surface (Board); the legs should be raised and bent at the knees, why it is necessary for them to put a folded blanket or pillow. (On the floor to go undesirable, can blow out a draft).

The proposed position is not a dogma. The patient should feel relieved, so there are other possible positions; for example, lying on the Board to put on her knees bent legs, holding between them a cushion. You can try to lie on your stomach and stretch your legs by placing a cushion under the ankle joints. If the sharpness of the pain has been removed, this does not mean that the doctor is no longer needed. Without proper treatment, the seizures will recur, and the situation to deteriorate.

Sore lower back what to do

To what doctor to address with a complaint of lower back pain?

When back pain is best to consult a therapist because first of all it is required to identify the disease what organs causes pain. Depending on the results of the inspection, may need to consult a medical specialist. Can be assigned:

  • consult a neurologist for assessing the spine, back muscles and nervous system;
  • consult a doctor-urologist in the case of suspected disease of the urinary system;
  • consultation of the gynecologist- in case of suspicion or presence of chronic diseases of the organs of the female reproductive system;
  • General blood test and urinalysis, to confirm or exclude the inflammatory nature of the disease;
  • radiography of the spine ;
  • Ultrasound of the hip joints ;
  • as well as other studies.